During a Facial Reflexology session, the reflex points are stimulated on the face, using massage and compression techniques. As the face is in such close proximity to the brain and cranial nerves, receiving Facial Reflexology can have a powerful impact on the bodies systems. For example, when you are working the sinus reflexes, you are working directly over the sinuses, so this is extra stimulating. Also, Facial Reflexology can boost circulation, it encourages the release of toxins and can also help the body to balance itself.
A facial refleoxology session in total lasts around 45 minutes and you don’t need to remove any clothing, just any necklaces or dangly earrings. Your face will be gently cleansed prior to the session, but you can leave your eye make up and lipstick on as these areas are not affected in any way. Luxurious hot towels will be incorporated into the treatment and Tropic products will be applied to the face at the end, so you are getting a lot of the benefits of a facial as well. Indian Head massage moves are also incorporated into the session to help maximise relaxation.
When you receive Facial Reflexology, by the end of the session, your skin should be looking more radiant with a lovely glow and skin can also appear firmer and toned. A specially formulated oil is used (dependent on your skin type and allergies) and this is extremely nourishing for the skin too.