Barns Green, Horsham,
West Sussex, RH13 0PJ

Contact Me On
07838 374884

10 Steps For A More Positive Autumn

Personally, I love the changing seasons and always have done. I actually love Autumn, the beautiful tree colours, the cosiness of the cooler and darker evenings, officially being able to wear a sweater again, hot chocolate and not to mention being able to light a fire again! Saying this, I know that a lot of people struggle with Autumn….

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Life Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic

If anybody asked in 2015, ‘where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’, I doubt anyone would have predicted covid-19 and how this year has unfolded! It has been an extraordinary year on so many levels and on such a global scale, so much so we have all been affected in one way or another. It has been…

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Best Self-Development Books of the Year.

My top 5 books of the year for self-development. In my previous book review blog, I mentioned how much of a book worm I am, and this is most definitely still the case now. This year I’ve just finished book number 100 and still have 4 books on the go which I hope to finish before 2019 ends. I…

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The Menopause and Reflexology

Hang on a minute, why are you writing a blog about the menopause when you haven’t experienced it yet? Yes! Valid point indeed, but please bear with me 🙂 OK so I haven’t got to that stage of life yet, however, many of my clients are either perimenopausal or menopausal. Therefore, I wanted to write a blog on the subject, mainly to…

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The Law Of Attraction

Law of Attraction Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘what you think, you become?’ Or have you heard people talking about ‘asking the universe’ or maybe even the term ‘cosmic ordering?’ This may sound like utter rubbish to you and the idea that you can ask for something and you’ll receive sounds downright ridiculous, but please bear with…

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in this month’s blog, we are going to look into anxiety. It will hopefully answer the question what is anxiety? I will share my own personal anxiety story and will discuss how I tackled my diagnosis of having an anxiety disorder and the steps I took in order to manage it.  What is anxiety? Firstly, the dictionary definition of…

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Self Care

The term ‘self-care’ is seemingly everywhere at the moment. But what exactly does self-care mean? Is self-care having a bubble bath or going out for a walk or are there more layers to this term? In this blog, I will be exploring how we can take better care of ourselves, not just physically, but mentally as well. What is…

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There’s no denying it, stress is everywhere! Everyone feels stress at certain times of their lives, especially living in a such a busy, constantly evolving world, where we have so many ‘tabs’ open in our brain at any one time. It’s not surprising that so many people are really feeling the negative effects of stress, which is leading to…

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